Found a great new site called The One Minute Writing Prompt . I love it. It gives you a chance to set your timer and write on the topic of the day for one minute. I love the fact that the topic is provided. Makes my brainwork just a little bit.
figured I would try it today. Today's topic "Carpe Diem" (Seize the day)
One minute - here we go -
Wake up at 6am and thank my Lord for another beautiful day
Hope up and eat my yogurt, hit the gym and crank it out for a few hours
long hot bubble bath, favorite jeans, track jacket and my pumas
Long drive to my favorite tunes to the movie theatre to enjoy a
large tub of popcorn, nachos with jalapenos and drink
great dinner for the fam, wrap up in a blanket with my feet in front
of the fire and the little ones head on my lap
put em all to bed, blog about my perfect day and do it again tomorrow.
Carpe Dieam!
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