So I made it back ya'lllllll. Yes I said ya'llllll...lol. I had a grand time. I loved every single moment of my trip.
Just a few of my favorite things:
I was pleasantly surprised on Monday evening to have my mommy, daddy and sister all pick me up at the airport. My mother, being the kind hearted mom she is felt the need to get out of the car and try to welcome me in baggage claim. I think she forgot first, what a fast walker I am and that I was the first one off the plane and before she could get there I had my bag and was out by the curb. Second she forgot her cellphone when she hopped out of the car so that we spent another 30 minutes looking for her in the airport. (smile) Gotta love her. I also had to love the fact that as soon as we walked in the door she immediately started cooking for me.
Tuesday - what a beautiful glorious day. Starting from the time I woke up and listened....'SILENCE'. No "mommy, I'm hungry", "mommy, I need lunch money", "mom what time are we leaving"...'have you seen my wallet", "where is my cell phone", "did you move the keys?" simple SILENCE! The rest of the day...no words...just the best day ever. It set the tone for the rest of the entire week. I even got to go to the community gym although I don't thing the "good old gals" are used to seeing women lift weight. It was cute to pretend I didn't see them watching me and wondering who the new chick was.

Following that I was quite impressed with the mini community of Bishop TD Jakes church...beautiful but a little overwelming. I think there are more churches in Texas than california has liquor stores in the ghetto. They got bigger and bigger! Nothing was bigger than the size of the schools. High Schools in Texas are the size of colleges in California. Middle Schools even left me amazed. I'm curious though...what's up with Texas and the water towers? Everyone shows town pride through their water tower I guess. It was cute.

My biggest disappointment of the week though....PAUL QUINN COLLEGE! I can't believe they even have a sign from the freeway pointing to this school. What an embarrassing addition to the HBCU family. What parent who be excited to drop their child off at this college. Sorry if my opinion is appreciated but the appearance of this school is SHAMEFUL. I kept hoping we entered on the OLD side of the school but it was the ENTIRE school in RUINS! Broken windows in dormitories, cardboard covers on windows, dead grass, missing doors, dirt roads leading to classrooms. One whole dormitory had caught on fire and it looked as if kids were inside! There were a few kids around here and there. On the way out we asked the security guard if the students were on spring break because the school seemed so abandoned. He said "nope they are all here, only about 300 kids go here"...hhmmmm. As we were leaving I looked over to the left of the campus and it appeared to be right next door to some projects. It was just sad and everything surrounding it looked sad.

Sunday I had a beautiful day as well and enjoyed my parents and their church home and my mommy cooked a nice dinner. Again it was a very relaxing weekend, full of good thoughts, positive thinking and finally coming to some conclusions on just life in general.
On the otherside of the world my boys all had a great time with dad. My little guys went fishing while I was gone and the big boys had mom off their back. I came back to a beautiful welcome home from them and I couldn't get enough love and hugs from them.

It's time to get back on my blog. I feel like I've been neglecting it lately. I had some good quotes shared with me or I overheard on my journey as well so in no particular order:
"Happiness I can help you with, the peace you have to find within yourself"
"You are alot stronger than you think you are"
"My answer is an emphatic YES"
"One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you can get it"