Thank Goodness this good friend is not crackberry addicted like me. I never leave home, the store, the car, a room without it. Count on my blackberry and we would still be looking for her. Great story!
Misplaced cell phone leads to woman in trunkSusquehanna Twp. victim, who was missing for nearly two days, says men broke into her home and abducted her in her car.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Shortly after Dr. Robert Scott and his wife returned to their Susquehanna Twp. home Sunday night after getting Chinese food with their neighbor, Mary Wilkerson, he realized he didn't have his cell phone.
He later remembered leaving his Blackberry Curve in Wilkerson's light-blue 1992 Buick LeSabre.
That misplaced cell phone, along with a few unseasonably cool days, might have saved Wilkerson's life. Investigators tracked Scott's phone to the 1900 block of York Street in Harrisburg, where they also found Wilkerson -- missing since that Sunday night -- in the trunk of her LeSabre at about 7 p.m. Tuesday.
"She was scared to death," Scott, a retired clinical psychiatrist and Penn State University professor, told The Patriot-News after visiting Wilkerson at Harrisburg Hospital on Wednesday. "I was surprised with her mental state. She was cognitive, communicative. Not a lot of people could go through what she went through."
Scott said Wilkerson was treated for dehydration but was otherwise in good health.
Scott said Wilkerson, 57, who worked at the New Cumberland Army Depot before retiring a few years ago due to a disability, told him that several masked men broke into her Crooked Hill Road home.
They abducted her and demanded money, Scott said she told him. The next she remembers is being found by the U.S. Marshals, he said.
The case remained under investigation, and authorities did not have any suspects, Dauphin County District Attorney Edward M. Marsico Jr. said. Investigators were looking at Scott's cell phone to see if whoever abducted Wilkerson made any calls. They were also searching the LeSabre for clues.
Investigators did not yet whether anything was taken from Wilkerson, and it was not yet clear how long she was in the trunk. But she was fortunate that Monday and Tuesday were not extremely hot days. Monday's high reached 82 degrees and Tuesday temperatures peaked at 70, according to AccuWeather.
Damn... gotta love technology!!