In other news, we are halfway through the quarter. My twin A is still struggling just a bit but we are working to get him into the light. He's a great kid and hard worker so although he's fighting right now he will be victorious in the classroom as well as the field. I can't go without giving props to my little CJ who is kicking butt in the classroom and his reading his coming along BEAUTIFULLY! His math facts are great too thanks to Around the World! CAYDEN CAYDEN CAYDEN What can I say. He has finally started Preschool! Little King ain't the king no more! He's been at school 3 days and been on timeout twice! He's excited about school and seems to be growing up already. Finally, my little twin B continues to amaze me with his willingness to want to be the best in everything. He is determined this year to

maintain is 4.0 status and so far he is achieving. I am so proud of him.
For now, that's about it! All things are and hugs. It's the weekend!
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