Wooooooooo weeeeeeeeee, I can't believe I actually found an hour! One whole hour. I get to write. I get to write! School started about 2 weeks ago and I've literally been in a SPIN ever since.
Seriously - when 9pm comes I hit the pillow. HARD! Normally on my non-carpool days last year I was greatful for the extra few minutes of sleep. This year my non carpool days for mornings are Monday and Friday and I still seem to be up at the crack of dawn.
I think I've been to the twins school EVERY SINGLE DAY since school started. Last night I even showed up for a meeting that wasn't. Imagine how pissed I was that I pushed to get dinner done, get everyone where they had to be and Cayden fell asleep on the way to the "basketball meeting that wasn't" only to get there, drag the dead weight out of the car with me, throw him over my shoulder, struggle to find the classroom, all the while thinking..."this school is awfully quiet and I'm ten minutes early". DAMMMMITTTTT!!!!
This is the part that will really crack you up. I work in the athletics office at school three days a week so you would have thought an intelligent person such as myself (cheese), would have listened to the announcements? Well technically I do but at the time I was half listening as I attempted to explain to a parent what scrip was.
Cayden has yet to begin daycare but I'm anxiously sitting by the phone awaiting the phone call that he is in and can start "TOMORROW"!!!! He's ready too, I'm sure. Hopefully that call will come...TODAY!
I'm also working on the school's football program and going just a bit crazy I must admit. Between headshots for Varsity players, advertizers that stick a $500 check in an envelope and no ad to go with it, ads lost on different desks and the upcoming season quickly approaching I'm beginning to dream of the day I see this thing in print.
I've managed to make it to the gym once this week which is absolutely killing me. I feel like I'm missing something all day long. I started doubling up on my vitamins and fruits last week after I saw signs of my body starting to break down just a bit. I can always tell when my iron is low and my anemia is calling for me to pay attention.
CJ is really enjoying school and his homework seems much more enjoyable to him this year. His reading is really starting to roll along. I see him counting less with his fingers and more with his brain. His also beginning to stop picking dandilions at football practice. His coach said he is getting much more aggressive and the little bugger even knocked somebody on their butt at the jamboree this weekend.
And so life continues - the craziness that is all mine and I feel as if I have some kind of purpose.
Hugs and love - Me
Look at you looking as young as your boys. It's madness around here too but in a sense I love it. Thanks for the reminder about doubling up on the vitamins. I need all the extra added energy I can muster up.