Okay okay so you all know I'm a bit sports chick and so of course my eyes landed on the screen on Sportcenter after hearing that the newest hotboy of 49ers status, Michael Crabtree has decided to sit out due to contract negotiations.
Wow! I'm just simply amazed. If you are the typical football player Crabtree your life has been somewhat like this - you've been on the field since you were 7-8 years old trying to play this game,laying in your bed at night just begging for a chance for someone to look at you, two a days, three a days. Long hot summers and cold winter nights. Recruiters, Sharks, good coaches, bad coaches, hot weight rooms, bad test scores,youth championships, highschool championships, worrying about the SAT and all the bull that goes along with trying to make it to the BIG SHOW....just for this moment...just cause you LOVE TO CATCH A FOOTBALL! Well I guess now you forgot that some days mommy and daddy didn't have two nickels to rub together or a pot to piss in. Now cause the Niners don't want to give you $23.5 million and you are prepared to sit out a year to prove your point??? BOY YOU AIN'T NO PLAYER!!! GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!
You know that scene in Remember the Titans were the blacks and the white finally come together and the kids start screaming STRONG SIDE and smacking each other. Well we watch that every year before football season and we get pumped just like it was the first time we've ever seen the movie. Then we watch Varsity Blues, Friday Night Lights and Any Given Sunday just to make sure we still got that feeling. YEAH BABY! There is not a PLAYER I know that wouldn't do what they love EVERYDAY for league minimum if you told them that's all you were gonna give them, take it or leave it.
Now maybe league min. is a little far-fetched but do you really thinking you are in a position to say, "I'll sit out if I don't get $23.5??? The ridiculousness of a guy who’s never caught a professional pass deeming $20-something million is crazy and is a testament to the troublesome way the NFL pays its rookies. A sense of youthful entitlement combined with a flawed system so that the unproven rookie often makes more than many veteran All-Pros.
Don't get me wrong–NFL players EARN their money- a HUGE percentage leave the game as near-cripples dealing with neurological problems. Crabtree still needs to get to camp and focus before worrying about his millions he may earn.
His attempt is to try to get paid off perception, not reality. Pre-draft hype? Come on guy! REALLY?
Crabtree may be a better player than Heyward-Bey, but let's also remember that he played on a high-profile Texas Tech team and scored a dramatic touchdown to upset Texas. Heyward-Bey played for a small Maryland team. Easily why the fans would lean towards him in a "mock draft". Because fans and media are more excited about Crabtree means absolutely nothing.
The Raiders believed Heyward-Bay was better than Michael Crabtree and they put an large contract behind it. So in my opinion it is Crabtree's job to go out and prove that he is worthy, not just talk about a mock draft or what he "believes" he can do once he gets his money.
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