Resting place to my thoughts and ramblings, inspiration, writing, hip-hop, mind-release, rants and other instances of complete randomness. Basically, the oil to the hamster that runs on the wheel in my brain.
Chris Rock On Larry King Live
Some Stuff - Purpose, Me, Dreams and Rambling
Not really much more to say than this
Talking Dirty
At an early age I've already heard my sons' and their friends curse a number of times. In fact if they think I'm out of earshot they are going to curse. We've had many sit downs and I've discussed open their vocabulary and the fact that if you curse so much it's just a way of saying I'm too dumb to think of a more intelligent word. Not the case with them. They say it's a different form of expression....BULL! Wherever you look someone is cursing though. Do you know how many words you could get away with on tv and radio now? I remember watching "Dynasty" as a kid. When Alexis slapped Krystal for the first time and said "You Bitch"...the whole room went silent and my hand immediately went up to my mouth. Now, I have to turn the radio down in the car and many points in the song to avoid all the stripper songs, weed songs, get butt naked songs, I'm gonna murder your mother songs....etc etc etc.
All I can do is continue to teach my children to expand their vocabulary and be better...while feeling up my quarter jar and making CJ rich.
Everything I Am
Ocho Cinco's Gone Loco

He has legally changed his last name to “Ocho Cinco.” Ocho Cinco, Formerly known as Chad Johnson, has always wanted to wear his nickname on the back of his Jersey, but the NFL wouldn’t allow it without fining him.
Johnson started a buzz in Cincinnati during the off season by requesting a trade because he didn’t feel enough love from Carson Palmer & The Bengals organization. Ocho Cinco, loves the lime light and will do anything he can to make sure he’s makes the highlight reel on Sportcenter. I can’t help, but to ask myself if he’s a genius who will be able to make millions marketing his own brand identity or has he gone completely mad like Mike Tyson did when he tattooed a tribal scribe on his face to look more intimidating in the ring? (a whole other topic). Word around town is that the NFL is charging Chad approximately $4million dollars for the cost to buy the Chad Johnson jerseys already created in order for him to wear Ocho Cinco on his back. Because Johnson changed his name so close to the start of the season, Reebok was left in a bind since they'd have to produce new jerseys and eat the old ones. That's why the NFL has told Johnson he'd have to reimburse the company for the price of the jerseys. I don't think we'll be seeing "Ocho" anything on his back any time soon unless he feels like throwing away Quatro-Million! I think he can find otherwise to spend his money. (Read the fine print next time Mr. Johnson). It's tough to defend Johnson, as he's so narcissistic at times it almost makes you want to cheer against him. Whatever it is, Ocho Cinco has sent shockwaves around the football world with his unpredictable behavior once again & I’m even happier with myself that I drafted him on my fantasy football team this 2008 season!
Just Some Ramblings - Freeing my mind

1 - Football season has begun, after a whirlwind summer of vertimax training, early mornings, late nights, Jordan was injured Saturday morning during a scrimmage. He fractured his fibula and tibula. He was casted on Monday and probably won't return until closer to the end of the season. Although he is very disappointed his spirits were up going to school this morning.
2 - Coach Ward lost his first football game in over two years this Saturday in the season opener of the Jr. Rams. I don't need to say that he isn't very happy but looking forward to the next game.
3 - Jalen did very well in his first two high school scrimmages and he is excelling. Their first game is this week against Jesuit High School.
4 - I managed to watch a total of about 3 minutes of the GOP convention last week before becoming annoyed with how truly idiotic they think we are and couldn't stomache any more than that.
5 - Gas is finally beginning to go down and I actually got a half a tank of gas for $50.00! Can you believe it!
6 - Britany Spears won 3 awards at the VMAs and I had no idea she even had an album out!
7 - Religion class has been so beneficial to my children. It has truly opened their minds up to questions they've had and may have in the future. Over the past weeks while helping with homework it was so exciting to help them look through the bible to find answers and explain what God's word meant.
8 - Finally, God continues to bless the Ward Family daily. We are a work in progress.
I wasn't, I really wasn't...but I decided to...Palin and my thoughts
There IS a time to say, enough is enough though. You have a 4 months old (for goodness sake, are you still bleeding), with downs syndrome, your still nursing and a 17 year old unmarried, pregnant daughter. Essentially, you will soon have 6 children. Are you serious? Palin has spoken against sex education or the teaching of contraception. When her water broke with her Down Syndrome baby she got on a plane and flew eight hours back to Alaska, making it only hours before the birth, a risky decision for a pregnant woman of any age. After delivering one child she went back to work the next day. After the birth of her fifth child, she was back in the office after a few days. What is her first priority. Is it as a mother or as a governor? Will her first priority be as a mother or as a Vice President or a President? One in three Vice Presidents become President. John McCain is a 72-year-old cancer survivor. Every woman, and particularly every woman who works, including me, understands that the conflicts and the guilt are always there in a way that they are not for men. There comes a time when a mother must honestly say, thanks but no thanks.
Homeschooling my Little One

Some psuedo intellectuals "hating" on Obama
I always thought this was the stupidest saying until I saw true "haterism" at it's worst while flipping through some youtube clips. After watching this clip I was disgusted. There was a "crabs in a bucket" meeting recently hosted by Tavis Smiley interviewing Cornel West and Julianne Malveaux. These pseudo intellectuals took time to blast Barack Obama’s DNC nomination speech. Jesse “I want to cut off his nuts” Jackson is not the only negro who knows his time is up, Tavis Smiley and Cornel West know their time is up too, and are desperately trying to hold onto their last 15 minutes of fame. That old school ‘Afro-negro’ intellectualism is not going to cut it anymore and these hardcore chitlin eatin' negroes are fighting back. They don’t understand that Barack wants to win. That is the prize. They would rather have Obama speaking at a Jena 6 rally than continue to be on a mission to becomnig the Leader of the Free World. Cornel West is the same guy that made whether he was going to teach at Harvard or Princeton a national racial issue. West also criticized Obama for not marching or speaking for Jena 6. Tavis criticized Obama for not coming to his State of the Black Union meeting. Next thing you know these folks will want Barack to throw on a bow tie and give a speech on the corner while holding up a bean pie. Envy breeds some of the stupid folks ever.
Late add - In a discussion I just received in an email I found this point interesting "Isn't it funny when some of the people and commentators on tv say that John McCain is catching up to Barrack Obama in the polls because the people don't know him --He has no experience and has only been a senator for four years, and just a few years of experience in Illinois before that--
and KaBoom!!!, within hours of being introduced as the Republican candidate for Vice President-- never having been seen before--Sarah Palin and guess what? She's immediately and completely accepted... Makes you say hmmmm"