Resting place to my thoughts and ramblings, inspiration, writing, hip-hop, mind-release, rants and other instances of complete randomness. Basically, the oil to the hamster that runs on the wheel in my brain.
Waffles (Not Belgium) and Fresh Orange Juice
Naps to Itunes
Candid pictures that capture emotion and come out just right
Strawberry Mango Margaritas (it's my new favorite)
cute Facebook updates
Smirking over laughing (I don't know why, I just do)
Cult films that represent Black culture (e.g. Coming to America, Mo' Better Blues, School Daze, Which Way is Up)
Learning something new about him
Someone who listens
Feeling peace
A good quote
Feeling rushed
People who constantly take but never try to give
Having someone ask you how is your kid only doing just so they can tell you about theirs.
Crying from frustration
Underhanded comments
Fake Sweetness
That one person that usually messes up the chill vibe in a room
Too much talking and not enjoying the silence of the moment
a laptop (just for me)
more money
more time
to know who to trust
peace and happiness
more discipline with the money I have
intentionally make mental pictures of quiet moments
treat everyone with respect and dignity, whether they deserve it or not
more moments to rest my mind
my degree
21 Questions
My boys, genuine compliments, seeing my family smile, and watching others act in the midst of their passion!
2. What was your first job?
Taco Hell(Remember Maya?).
3. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Struttin through school in my new white Guess jeans thinking I was fine as wine and all the guys..and dolls were lookin! Later I found out they were looking cause my cycle started and no one told me till after lunch! That was the most embarrassing!
4. Where is your favorite place to travel?
My mommy and daddys house. Never had a more inviting and most relaxing place...EVER.. There’s no place like home!
5. Who is your Hero?
My daddy. He is an amazing man. He’s living testament that there is NOTHING too hard for God!
6. What is your favorite color?
7. What is one thing that people don’t know about you?
I care.
8. What are 5 things a man must possess to grab your attention?
Great smile, Physically fit, Substance, Power, Nice shoes- and I know its 5 but he’s got to have some swag!
9. How do you relieve stress?
Throwing weights, listening to a passionate lyric over a tight beat, and sitting in silence and darkness oh and a really good massage! I love massages!!!
10. What is your favorite food?
Orange creme yogurt by yoplait
11. If you were an animal what would you be?
A snake
12. What are you listening to on your ipod right now?
Trey Songz. He's my new young crush and sings everything I'm feeling.
13. Do you have any secret crushes?
See #12...followed by Tatum Channing (Fighting). He is one perfect specimen.
14. What is your favorite book?
The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah.
15. Do you have any secrets?
Of course I do! But if I told you… they wouldn’t be secrets!
16. If you could invite someone over for dinner who would it be and why?
Ummm probably Russell Simmons! I’d ask him if I’m on the right track to build a successful empire and what should I do different, better, more or less of.
17. What are 5 things every woman must have in her closet?
A tailored suit, at least one piece of sexy lingerie, a summer dress, strappy sexy heels, and a great purse!
18. What’s your favorite T.V. Show, Movie?
Law and Order Special Victims Unit and Criminal Intent, The First 48 and Lady sings the Blues! (I know the whole movie by heart).
19. What are your pet peeves?
Women that buy expensive purses but don’t have any money, Men that blow their horn or whistle at women. Many others but I'm feeling funky right now so I'll leave it at that.
20. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I wouldn't be afraid of failure.
21. What is the worst pick up line you’ve ever heard?
Did you just drop from the sky cause I think heaven lost one of it's angel...SO HORRIBLE!
Life Goes On...

Funny thing about going through life's changes is how we, as mothers seem to work through disappointment, sadness, frustration and the perils of life.
We, ummmmm, simply put, busy overselves. I've been so busy lately that I think I'm honestly making myself sick at times. I feel my body wearing down just a bit. I realize my iron is low but my workload is high and it seems that the list never ends. Yesterday, well this week, I've been a lunatic. Preparing this and taking care of that. Running here, running there. I feel this overwhelming sadness in my spirit that I can't shake though. I mean, I hate to have to fight to be happy. Nothing in my outward would detect, there is just something that says that something is not quite right. I don't feel all the way whole. At times, I think I've been moving faster than the speed of light. The more my brain is going the less time to think. Well, kind of. At night, usually 2 am, I'm up and walking the floor or laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Lately I've even retreated to my closet for a talk with God. I guess him what his plans are for me and what my mission is here. Am I doing what he wants me to do? Am I where I'm suppose to be and when will my heart be full. No answer...maybe he's not listening...maybe I'm not listening. Maybe I can't hear him. Maybe he can't hear me. (Shrugging my shoulders). I'm taking a big sigh right now. I ummmm. I gotta figure this all out. SOON!
Top Ten Places I'd love to visit or return
So with school getting ready to kick into full swing in the next few things I've already been planning for my breaks in between...ha! While I was working out this morning I was seriously trying to put myself in a different place because my workout on Saturday still has me in pain. I started thinking of some places I would love to visit. So here is my top 10 list of places I'd love to go.
1. St. Croix - No Passport Needed!

2. Amalfi Coast

3. Na Pali Coast - Hawaii

4. Barbados

5. South Africa

6. Mazatlan, Mexico

Dear Valentines

The Script

So I'm really beginning to feel this script thing. I did some research today on exactly how to start putting it together and my juices are following. Don't be scared ya'll, it's not about you. I've just finally committed to actually doing it and holding to my word on it. Not sure if it will be a success by any means and probably not the first time around but you gotta start somewhere right? Why not at the very bottom (smile). I've decided to document it in the form of another blog that I believe I'll leave undrafted for a while and then undraft the posts as it begins to come together a bit more. We'll see...stay tuned!
Some ...

Some say it’s unexplainable
Some say it’s unattainable
Some say it’s a true miracle, like two souls finding their other half.
people say its natural, others it’s near impossible.
Some are born together, some search forever; some well they just never find their other half.
Some meet on the street, at the bus terminal, or by chance of an empty seat.
It’s up to fate, some people say.
Other’s make their own fate, impatience, or dismay?
To me, I believe it’s like two sheets blowing in the breeze on a summer’s day.
Like two Swans in a lovers embrace, or a two sided coin in my pocket of change.
Yet, it’s still seems a bit strange this unexplainable feeling of suddenly feeling whole.
But, what if your other half you never meet?
What if you’ve met them, and didn’t realize until they were with someone else?
Where was fate, on a washroom break?
Talking politics by the water cooler?
How does one know if others can’t even describe?
Is there a sign, a feeling, an inner vibe?
Some say its patience
worth the wait.
Some say it’s as easy as hello, that initial feeling that love at first sight where you just know.
Some say.
Re-Introduction (Short Version)

Nesha W.
Age 30ish
In pursuit of a more intimate walk with my Lord.
Desperately in need for this to be my year.
Gym Rat.
Graciously Woman.
I write. everything.
Presently on a mission, yet not ready to release all details.
Heart of gold for those who climb the wall.
Lives for my family but much me time is needed.
Secretly building "future castle"...

Nothing SWEETER! Superbowl Champions 2010!Geaux Saints ! Nous sommes si fiers de vous ! Votre destin est arrivé.
One Minute Writing Prompt - Hobby

I gotta get back to the One Minute Writing Drill again. It helps me work on my skill. I'm promising myself I'm going to try to do it at least one a week from here on out.
So today's subject is:
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Today's Writing Prompt: Hobby
What hobby are others passionate about, that you can't imagine wanting to do?
I cannot imagine that anyone on earth would be bored enough to SCRAPBOOK. In my opinion this is the most boring hobby imaginable. I see myself sitting down once a year organizing my family's pictures, articles, precious moments in the box I've collected of them, but I can't imagine sitting each night or even once a week doing it. Shear agony...and the owners of the store? LORD!
Times up!
My Movie Script? Whatcha thing about that...

So a dear friend told me my story is interesting and it would make a great short film. Thought about it. Hmmm, don't know. Not sure if I can't truly share alll the nitty gritty only to have all my intimate details go into a pile with another million scripts of people who thought they were interesting. Jotted down a few details, but not quite willing to go there yet. I'll think about it a little more.
The Lottery
Powerful Stuff

-a woman can be the best or the worst thing to ever happen to a man
-good or bad, if you allow something to start little, it can and will grow
-always learn how to respect a situation; whatever the situation
-sometimes i really believe the justice system is blind
-the truth is a mighty, mighty, mighty weapon
-it isn't always your enemies, sometimes it's your own so-called friends
-do not judge a gate until it's opened and you've walked through it
-when someone tries to help, there will always be someone who tries to hurt
-you might not like it; but that will never stop me from telling it like it is
-it's not necessarily what you say, but how it's being said
-if you set your mind free, maybe then you'd understand
-don't die without knowing

-i knew then, everything i know now
-i could talk as opening in person as I do here
-i wasn't so cold lately
-folks were not so quick to judge
-turn changes some mistakes I've made in my past and right the wrongs.
-i could look into Russell Simmons notebook
-i had worked as hard in school as I demand my children to
-i was part of one of Sean Combs brainstorming sessions
-my sisters would listen to my advice instead of just thinking I'm being evil.
-my people: we'd take a long, long look at ourselves and realize how strong we could become, if we stopped being our own enemy (I stole this, but it's true)
-you knew
Celebrate Black History Month

National Human Trafficking Month

Although I realize that it is also Black History Month, I would like to acknowledge that it is also National Human Trafficking Month. Although, we've all heard reports about modern day slavery in other countries, there is so much more going on under our own noses then most would like to admit. Jaycee Duggard is just scratching the surface. In honor of the month I would like to post some recents stats:
27 million – Number of people in modern-day slavery across the world.
14,500 - 20,500 – Number of foreign nationals trafficked into the United States every year.
These victims originate from at least 77 different countries
244,000 – Number of American children and youth estimated to be at risk of child sexual exploitation, including commercial sexual exploitation, in 2009.
38,600 – Estimated number of an approximate 1.6 million runaway/thrownaway youth at risk of sexual endangerment or exploitation in 2009.
12-14 – Average age of first involvement in prostitution
559 – Potential victims identified between Dec. 1, 2007 and March 12, 2009 by five CA Task Forces.
43 – Number of trafficking victims served by 4 organizations in Northern Virginia.
200 – Number of identified cases of sex and labor trafficking.
85% – Proportion of victims in the 200 identified cases who were adults.
75% – Proportion of victims in the 200 identified cases who were victims of sex trafficking.
o Data obtained through a survey of over 1,300 sexual assault and domestic violence service providers, law enforcement and district attorney’s offices, with a 30% return rate.
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Civil Rights Unit:
751 – Number of trafficking cases opened between 2007 and April 5th, 2009.
185 – Convictions
o Includes joint investigations with ICE, and both sex and labor trafficking.
*It is estimated that there are currently more slaves in the US than when Abraham Lincoln first signed the Emancipation Proclamation.