Although I realize that it is also Black History Month, I would like to acknowledge that it is also National Human Trafficking Month. Although, we've all heard reports about modern day slavery in other countries, there is so much more going on under our own noses then most would like to admit. Jaycee Duggard is just scratching the surface. In honor of the month I would like to post some recents stats:
27 million – Number of people in modern-day slavery across the world.
14,500 - 20,500 – Number of foreign nationals trafficked into the United States every year.
These victims originate from at least 77 different countries
244,000 – Number of American children and youth estimated to be at risk of child sexual exploitation, including commercial sexual exploitation, in 2009.
38,600 – Estimated number of an approximate 1.6 million runaway/thrownaway youth at risk of sexual endangerment or exploitation in 2009.
12-14 – Average age of first involvement in prostitution
559 – Potential victims identified between Dec. 1, 2007 and March 12, 2009 by five CA Task Forces.
43 – Number of trafficking victims served by 4 organizations in Northern Virginia.
200 – Number of identified cases of sex and labor trafficking.
85% – Proportion of victims in the 200 identified cases who were adults.
75% – Proportion of victims in the 200 identified cases who were victims of sex trafficking.
o Data obtained through a survey of over 1,300 sexual assault and domestic violence service providers, law enforcement and district attorney’s offices, with a 30% return rate.
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Civil Rights Unit:
751 – Number of trafficking cases opened between 2007 and April 5th, 2009.
185 – Convictions
o Includes joint investigations with ICE, and both sex and labor trafficking.
*It is estimated that there are currently more slaves in the US than when Abraham Lincoln first signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
Hey, I say a post pop up in your 'You might also like:' section that I can't seem to track down. It was something about the NBA and modern day slavery. Can you help me out?