I must admit that I don’t understand the motivation and rationale behind Thanksgiving. Of course, I understand that Thanksgiving is a day set aside so that we give thanks for the blessings of the past year, but I don’t really get the traditions behind the day. Indians and Pilgrims, blah blah blah.
So we give thanks by overindulging, by stuffing ourselves until we are utterly miserable? I have often questioned the rationale of showing thanks by engaging in a day of gluttony. Just doesn’t really seem to make sense. Wouldn’t it make more sense to show our thanks by spending a day of fasting and prayful reflection?
But who am I to go against this Hallmark holiday that kicks off the Christmas season? Who am I to ponder too much on good food? So I will spend Thanksgiving indulging myself in direct proportion to those blessings that have come my way this past year, and those blessings have been many. In other words, I am going to make a pig of myself again this year, and by late this afternoon, I will be cursing myself for overdoing it once again. By the way, I was extremely annoyed when I called to find out 24 hour fitness would close at 2pm. What exactly does 24 HOUR FITNESS MEAN?
But in all seriousness, I have plenty this year to be thankful for. I am thankful for having been blessed with beautiful family. I am thankful that we finish this year with a safe place to lay our heads at night and food on the table; there are so many others who may not be able to say the same.
I am thankful for the friends that have come into my life. I am thankful for the opportunities I have been given this year as well as the opportunities that are to come. I am thankful for a future that looks bright. I am so thankful that we are not going through the same injuries this Thanksgiving as last when I had a 4 year old with a broken femur and a 14 year old with a broken fibula and tibula.
I am so thankful my mommy and daddy continue to be healthy and happy and my sisters are well too. I am even thankful for each trial that makes me stronger and a voice if even through my blog that allows me to voice my feelings at times.
I am thankful for all those who continue to pray for me and my family and even when I am too foolish (or too arrogant) to pray for myself.
If I were too continue with those things I am thankful for, this list would continue ad naseum; however, there is one more thing that I feel I must give thanks for. I am thankful that I continue to have readers to come over and read my pitiful commentaries and occasionally leave a comment or two. Thank you and I wish you and your family and love ones a very Happy Thanksgiving.
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