
Not much to say...Football done

Twins and Ya Ya and Pa pa

High school football is over. I've had a blast. These boys have made me love this game. I mean realistically, I've always liked football. I had a football boyfriend or two and enjoyed watching them on the field but nothing could prepare me for the love I would have for this game once my boys suited up in the pads.  The thought that my son would take a role in which every game the defender would be set on crashing him and ripping the ball from his hands as he fought for yardage has made me sick, thrilled, insane, excited and many other indescribable emotions. 

Last Friday we lost to a team that was not better than us but, definitely more prepared for the emotions.  We showed up to a dog fight in our ballet shoes. (I posted the whole story, then decided against it and erased it). The boys played their hearts out and left nothing on the field. I'm proud and I continue to fall in love with the men they are becoming more each day.

College awaits, back to the bottom of the totem pole on the football field as Twin A continues to ponder his next move. Twin B moves on to basketball and his senior season on the hardwood. 

On a side note...CJ and Daddy's team won the championship! CJ enters the Ward realm of building a tradition of champions!


Been Slacking

So I realize I've been slacking on my updates and life in general. It seems its all just one big day lately. I feel extremely exhausted and there can't possible be enough hours for everything. I'm sitting down to get a good update in but no telling when I'll be able to do it again...lol

This senior year seems to be flying by. I'm saddened that in a little over a month I will be a mother of 18 year old twins. Wow is the only word to describe this. The football season has flown by and last Friday was the first playoff game for the their team. We were ranked #5 and played the #12 seed. This division is so deep though, that could have been ugly. Twin A finished with 3 touch downs and was sat down early in the 3rd to save him for what promises to be a physical game against the #4 spot next week. Twin B also continues his starting role at DB and was on an island by himself daring them to through it for most of the night. Finally score was 47-21 but we went into halftime leading 34-0. All scores thereafter were scored on our second string and a host of sophomores brought up after their season for playoffs.

The first quarter ended well with Twin B pulling out his usual good grades. I'll take his 3.6 any day to the 2.5 I solidly had in high school.  Considering he only has 4 classes it should be a bit higher though. Unfortunately, Twin A has a full load complete with two sciences, a math, english, religion, spanish 2 and government. No room for error in his quest to clear the NCAA clearinghouse.  He does well for his stringent academic regimine but I feel bad for him on somedays.  He pulled out the first quarter just under a 3.0, we'll see how he does with finals this semester.

They have finally decided which schools they will apply to and I'm happy to say only two California schools are in the hunt. The other schools include 2 others still on the west coast and a southern school. Yes, all the same schools. Twin A just finally said it "I don't want to go out of state unless my brother comes". aawww, my heart melted  just a bit, but it took him forever to say it.

Finally, senior night wiped me out. I was an emotional wreck for the majority of the day and cried anytime someone asked me how I felt. As the boys ran toward me with their flowers, I could barely see through my tears but wanted to have "no ugly face" pictures so I straightened up. I can't imagine my life without these boys. The love I have for them feels my heart each and everyday.

Lots of talks with them this year and they are sharing some great stuff.  I love that they talk to me and share their thoughts on their life, God and the future.  I will say, I hate their whole "twitter-swag", but they have to have an outlet so I'll let it be..for now.

Back to my hole and making my nitch in this world, taking care of my family, Jr. Rams, basketball, football, law school (which has become overwhelming lately), and everything that is Nesha.


I've Learned...

Thinking about my, i've learned yet, if it's changed...if it's the same. Contemplating this morning the many things I've learned:
-pain is weakness leaving your body...this ables to many kinds of pain

-God first, then family...period.

-a person will only do what you allow

-men are much slower at learning life lessons and applying them

-sometimes there are only temporary fixes.

-I posses something much deeper than appears to the naked eye, I finally know that

-love is a powerful thing. That's all

-you cannot change a person but you can be a person’s motivation to change

-set you boundaries early in a relationship and stick to them no matter what. If you don't, you'll regret it

-if you feel like someone is talking to you, most of the time they are

-children are such beautiful blessings

-GOD truly is LOVE

-it’s ok to cry

-relationships are about compromise, not sacrifice
-love does sometimes hurt

-credit is everything

-education is key

-people are always watching you, even when it doesn’t seem like it

-actions speak louder than words

-being independent is good but God created us to be Inter-dependent; NOT dependent, NOT CO-dependent (Joel Olsteen)

-some people just won’t ever get it

-intimacy = in to me see

-I have a deep affect on most people I encounter

-I can’t just give a little. It’s all or nothing

Song in My Head