My angel baby continues to shine. Just a little over 3 years ago Craig and I sat under a freeway underpass with the knowledge that we would soon be parents again. We were filled with so much emotion and to be honest not all of it was good. We sat under that underpass in silence for about an hour within many thoughts swirling through our minds. When we drove away we went home and slept, for hours and we knew that Cayden would soon be here.
It's funny, we call him the lottery baby because we've been winning since he got here. When it seems there has been no way, God has made a way. Not just in the last 3 years but it seems our faith has been tested so much more, in life, love, family, work and just the world. Not to mention a championship basketball and football team, but of course we have to include the players in that one as well :-).
From day one Cayden has had to fight, he was unexpected and tiny, he had severe eczema, psorasis, his skin disorder was so bad his skin was filled with sores constantly and his hair fell out almost completely. He was so itchy that he cried almost non-stop for the first few months. When we finally found relief for him he became the most perfect baby. Slept in his own bed, ate whatever was offered and just laid low. Recently his snoring increased and we took to calling him Darth Vader because we usually had to turn up the tv or radio to hear over his breathing. His snores could be heard from inside his room all the way down into the kitchen and God forbid he fell asleep in the car, we had to shout to hear each other. When the snoring combined with sleep apenea which stopped him from breathing several times a night the doctor decided to remove his tonsils and adnoids this past Tuesday. Cayden did fine, he is recovery well and home with daddy on vacation this week. He feels really good when his pain medication kicks in and he has eaten about 2 boxes of popsicles. Thank you to my friends and family who supplied the prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery. The Lord is good!