
Top 6 Sports "Whiners" or Preferably Mama's Boys

1. Pedro Martinez
New York Mets. Even though everyone knew he already had a fragile physique because of a long laundry list of injuries in the past, he added a new dimension with a weak mental build as well.Throughout his career in Boston, Martinez came and went as he pleased, yelled at booing fans and ignored the media for minor slights. While his Hall of Fame talent is unquestioned, Martinez has always been a high maintenance complainer.

2. Jeff Gordon
NASCAR. There is a way to complain and have your qualms taken seriously -- then there's Jeff Gordon's method. Gordon always has something to nag about, especially when he doesn’t finish well in a race. Listeners can only take so much before his claims get tiresome.Jeff has openly acknowledged his nit-picking reputation, but has yet to acknowledge that he doesn’t take responsibility for failure. With Jeff, blame is generally pointed in an outgoing direction and nothing seems to be his fault. He’s a proven winner and arrogance typically goes hand-in-hand with that type of success.

3. Barry Bonds
San Francisco GiantsA side effect of steroids is feminization of the body. Regardless of whether it originates from the use of performance enhancing drugs or not, Barry has always had a feminine side to him, admittedly received from his mother.While he has cranked home runs at a pace like no other player, his feminine characteristics always seem to creep up off the field. Start the violin music while Bonds often sounds off on things that hurt his feelings once a microphone is placed in front of his face. His complaints run from rude fans that really bother him, to the media’s negative portrayal of his image. Once, in a post-game interview, he admitted that he sometimes cries in his hotel room because of the loneliness.

4. Kobe Bryant
Los Angeles Lakers. This one was hard for me as I am TRULY a Kobe fan. Whether it’s the basketball, attention or credit, Kobe prefers to take it all for himself. He couldn’t handle sharing a steady dose of championships and one of America’s largest cities with Shaq and has not been able to succeed on his own without giving constant critiscm to those around him.Bryant seems to want players who will help him win games, but not players who are going to cut into his spotlight when the team wins. His childlike behavior -- as well as his one-time threat to sign with cross-town rival, the Los Angeles Clippers -- that make Bryant a whiner, even though a notable winner.

5. Eli Manning
New York Giants. It didn’t take long for Eli's immaturity to show when he refused to suit up for the San Diego Chargers and forced a draft-day trade to the New York Giants. Eli, who was the ultimate mama's boy in the Manning family, constantly wears a pouting expression of frustration and looks like he is threatening to cry at any moment.Playing in New York, is a hard spot when not wanting to accept criticism, but accepting responsibility isn’t something he’s learned to do very well.

6. Vince Carter
New Jersey Nets. If there ever was a face to match the whine, it would be Vince Carter's. He's made it almost impossible to even watch the NJ Nets. While he is more than capable of being one of the NBA’s premier superstars, his childish antics on and off the court have left his followers with a very different image.Carter feeds off of every injury. A hard foul always draws at least a giant wince and usually turns into limping to the locker room, only to see him return minutes later at full strength. While most NBA players like a hard, tough image, the injury-prone Carter has softened his look on a number of occasions with off-court complaints. He once stated that he would never dunk again in Toronto. The cherry on top is Carter’s mother, who has often acted as his spokesperson. In the 2004 off-season, she demanded a trade on her son’s behalf.

NBA and the forgotten dreams...

I'm so tired of opening my newspaper, reading the homepage of yahoo, watching Sportscenter about some whiney NBA player who wants "out". They don't like this, they don't like that, they want more money, they want to be in more control...blah blah blah blah blah....GOODNESS! It's enough to make you sick. I watch my boys and their teammates play their hearts out weekly. I don't know their ultimate goal, be it a college scholarship, to go to the NBA, dreams of riches and fame but I know right now, at this point in their life they think these men, who play on tv, drive a fancy car, live in a big house and live to play basketball every other day of their lives are the GODS OF THE UNIVERSE (not literally). I watch my son do pushups and sit ups, toe raises, work hard in practice to try and improve his shot and study any college or NBA game that comes on tv. I think to myself as I watch the documentaries about their road to success, the estranged fathers, the poverty, single mothers, have-nots. Although there are several successful stories of "normal" families it isn't the the higher percentage that makes the "better" story. The episodes NBA and NFL athletes who talk of 3 children sleeping to a bed, talking shoes, hand me downs, mothers working 3 jobs and never being able to come to games. When is all of this forgotten? On their first paycheck, the third, or somewhere between the lamborghini and the $25million dollar home. They forgot there are still kids out there working to fundraise with their AAU team for something as simple as a uniform and a pair of shoes for everyone on the team. Youth coaches who say, "I wish I could hit the lottery and take my whole team to nationals," another dream on the quest for glory. Instead they become nothing more than overpaid BRATS who want more! If you want to run the team, then buy the team. Stop spending your money on your 4th house, your 15th car, your $2 million dollar dogtags and overpriced tvs for the 3rd row seat that only the car driving behind you can see. How about not investing in a soul food restaurant or rental car dealership that will last one year but instead something that will last the long haul with real profit. Yes, Kevin Garnett and the likes got the money "in the end" but to sit out and say I won't sign, I won't play unless I make a record setting earning? How about some show and prove first. Can we see what you can do first? It's not limited to the NBA, the NFL has some whiners too. All that sitting Larry Johnson did...for what? Wasted money in my opinion. No show and prove their. Nothing that should make Kansas City feel like it was worth the wait. Kobe (I want to be traded, I wanted to be traded, I'm a team player see how I go to the media and say I wanted to be traded, please believe how much of a team player I am). Jason Kidd - a text message "I have a migraine???" to your coach right before a game??? (have some class), I've damn near had to hold my son down and tie him to a chair with a 102 degree temperature to keep him from playing. I'm not even going to go into the disgust I have for A.I and his antics. What an awesome role model he is. Good thing he's not a role model to my children and their daddy has done his job. More on this later...it's a work in progress...


Hating on Obama or Love for Hilary?

Why do all these old-time chitlin’ era civil rights leaders feel obligated to support and play puppet for the Clintons? As we saw in South Carolina these old-timers are disconnected with what the people want.

"Hey Johnny, why you want to leave this good ole plantation, massa been good to us, you better support them good ole Clintons, we don’t need no freedom, we happy right here."

Obama and the Audicity of Hope

In July 2004 I watched BO electrify the Democratic National Convention with his address that spoke to Americans across the country. His main focus was what he called the "Audacity of Hope". Obama calls for a different style of politics. Politics that is rooted in faith, nobility of the spirit at the heart of our experiment with democracy. He dares to explore the forces, the fear of losing to the need to raise money to the power of the media that sometimes hurts the most well intentioned politician. I enjoyed reading the Auducity of Hope so much, and his self-deprecating humor, especially about settling in as a senator, trying to find balance with the demands of public service and family life, and his religious committments. Obama's vision of moving beyond "ourselves" to tackle problems was awesome. Especially touching on the growing economic insecurity we have reached, racial and religious tensions within politics, and terrorism beyond our nation. His discussions with how faith plays itself in politics was interesting, especially about how it must never intrude. (more on this late as the next few weeks shape the "new history" of the US)


High School

...last week begin the start of the twins descent into high school. It started off with their honor roll assembly, followed by incoming freshman meeting on Thursday. Earlier this month I attended a scholarship meeting that included about 30 people some of who arrived late. I figured such would be the case for the incoming freshman meeting. What was I thinking? The parking lot looked to be similar to a Friday night football game and the entire gym was almost at capacity.

The next day was 8th grade day, a day in which incoming 8th graders get to have a "short" day in the life of a student at the high school. A game was played in which all 200+ kids were expected to throw both shoes into the middle of the gym floor and then go search them out while meeting new people. The thing is Jalen had the classic vans on. You know the classic vans (black vans with white soles). So did about 20 other people. Although I had a carpool and took about 6 kids to 8th grade day I was happy to hear that they all new lots of kids and also met several new kids as well.

"Incoming week" ended as the boys took their placement test at 7:30 am Saturday morning. I was a bit nervous because I knew the test included a writing essay. The boys are not were I would like them to be in their essay writing but I didn't want to pressure them with last minute critiques of their writing skills. I gave them a few pointers and said a prayer.

Upon picking the boys up I was happy to hear that they said it was easier than they had expected it to be. They were smiling and happy to have it over. The rest is in the Lord's hands. We'll see in a few weeks which classes their tests enabled them to receive.


Welcome to my Blog Spot. I've heard about blogs and read them for years. I guess it is time that I begin keeping my own. I will try to post at least weekly. I'm sure the first few weeks I'll do very good and then slowly have to push myself. It's a way to express my thoughts without sending out my "vent" emails to all of my girlfriends. A day in the life of a mother of 5 is quite interesting some days, other days can be dull.

Thanks for stopping by.